Thursday, March 28, 2013

twenty four.

a week ago today, on 3.21, I turned 24. 24. It sounds so much more adult. As my friends and I eloquently put it, by 24, you should really start to have your shit together, or at least be planning to have your shit together.

This birthday felt different to me in so many ways. For one, I did feel older, but in a good way, a great way, actually. And the biggest thing was, I realized that I felt so content. I'm working in the city I have always dreamed of being in and succeeding in; how many 24 year-olds can say that? I have the best friends and co-workers a gal could ask for. So many people I love came to the happy hour I had planned for after work. I had a great time and they all seemed to as well, and that's all I can really ask for. My boyfriend was amazing, got me the prettiest necklace, took me to the cutest little restaurant ever for lunch. To top it off, my parents came up to visit for the weekend and brought my beloved pug, Rupert, so that we could be reunited for some time. I also got to celebrate with more of my family in Newburgh, NY.

I mean, what more could I possibly ask for? It was nice to be reminded just how big of a year 23 was for me, how lucky I am now, and how great I think 24 will be.

I know, this is super cheesy and mushy, but I know I can get so bogged down with everything that stresses me out day in and day out, so it's nice to sit back every now and then and reflect on all the things that I'm truly lucky to have right now.

I'm excited to see what this year has in store!

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