Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"The Earth is what we all have in common."

Every now and then, no matter how hard I try, I get a little sad with the state of the world. Especially with the recent and ongoing tragedy that seems to be changing for the worse everyday in Japan, it has certainly burst my optimistic bubble at the moment and it has made me angry, upset, frustrated and any other emotion that goes in that category. My faith in humanity worsens even more so at times like these when I see "articles" on People.com entitled "How should Kate Middleton wear her hair for the Royal Wedding?" Really? At least put a link on your site, "Donate to relief efforts in Japan!" or something along those lines for at least a week or so on your homepage.

Celebrites, are people that I am fascinated with. I wouldn't call it an obsession but I do find myself regularly checking People and E! Online and keeping tabs on who's dating who or who's pregnant, dating, etc. However, with this mess happening overseas I feel like none of them are doing enough. Sure maybe there are some who are donating and not blasting through Twitter or Facebook that they are doing so which is admirable. But it's "celebrities" like the Kardashian sisters (they are like a train wreck to me, so bad I can't stop watching; hence why I follow them all on Twitter) who are pretty much famous for no reason yet blab on and on about "getting ready for a fun photoshoot!" Since you somehow have so much influence on your fans why don't you tweet at LEAST once a day about easy ways people can help relief efforts in Japan? I did see Khloe tweet about it once but how is that enough? Look at other ways. Adam Levine, the lead singer of Maroon 5 said it best in a tweet I saw of his earlier today: "Doesnt a five million dollar prize for the winner of X Factor seem a bit excessive? Couldn't we use that money for...hmm...ANYTHING else?" Another insightful tweet came from whoever commands the Lord Voldemort Twitter account (yes I am a Harry Potter enthusiast) who said it best with: "I'll be yelled at as per usual for this but #prayforJapan? No. If you want to help DO something. They want money, aid & food; not thoughts."

I know too that there are other things that could use celebrites generous donations. There are charities for everything, every type of cancer, disease, cause, you name it. And there should be, don't get me wrong. There are so many issues and problems in the world; Haiti still needs a lot of help in recovering from their massive earthquake. A different set of problems is really rearing its ugly head at the moment in the United States. In my organizational writing class we viewed a 60 Minutes segment on homelessness in America and how 25% of American children are homeless and going to bed hungry at night. In America, which is supposed to be the greatest nation in the world. I mean, I get it, there are going to be problems and sob stories and boundless issues in every country but come on, 25%??

Now, I'm not trying to come off as some holier-than-thou person. I'm not even trying to be a debbie-downer on your day, I promise. I know that life goes on, the world moves on to the next big thing whether it's a tragedy or not. I myself start to get wrapped up in my own little life and forget about the great big world outside my window. Maybe I'm just venting. It just seems that with the recent earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster happening to Japan right now has been the icing on the cake for me so to speak and makes me wish I could do so much more to help. Forgive me for sounding preachy, it can just be very daunting at times, especially when thinking about it all at once.

For easy tips on how you can help, follow the link below to Mashable which has 7 easy ways you can help or text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to aid relief efforts.

*A few moments after posting this, Ryan Seacrest tweeted this:
For each retweet @ will give $1 to Japan quake victims up to $100K. More ways to  ...this is the stuff that I like to see! However, to play the devil's advocate for a moment, as one person already did as a comment to this tweet, shouldn't Bing just donate the money? Why coerce people into "re-tweeting" to get money to a country that so desperately needs our help at the moment?


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