Wednesday, April 3, 2013

busy bees.

I'm busy, you're busy, we're all busy. But are we really? I read an interesting article in the summer of last year, called "The Busy Trap," which you can find here. It basically says that we have an affinity for the word "busy."

Want to grab dinner tonight? "I don't know, I'm pretty busy."

What does that even really mean? Don't get me wrong, I have said this myself countless times, or have been told that as an excuse numerous times. It's something we all seem to be obsessed with these days. It's a buzzword, that easily fills that gap for other things we don't want to say, like "I actually have other plans," or even the more harsh reality of "I don't feel like hanging out with you tonight."

 It relates to even more than just trying to make plans with people. I find that the word busy gets in my own way. For example, I'm at work most days from 8:45 AM - 6-6:30 PM, or sometimes later, depending on the day. You add in my commute and I get home somewhere between 7-8. Then, I just want to relax, "I was so busy at work today." And I know, we all have those crazy days where we just want to come home and unwind.

However, what about feeding our creativity? Or the things we are passionate about on our own time? I have this blog, for example, and have struggled for so long to really keep up with it. But why? It's not that hard to choose to go in my room to blog, or read, or do some other activity that is a fun release for me rather than mindlessly watching TV for 2 hours before bed, and/or staring at my phone.

I think we could all use a little help of pushing the buzzword "busy" to the side. Whether it's to make time to talk to a friend or family member, feed our creative juices, or finally nail down a time to grab dinner with your girlfriends. I myself need this desperately. So who wants to stop the glorification of busy with me? Next time you're prepared to say or type, "I'm busy," really pause and think if you are, I feel like we'll all be surprised as to how many times we aren't, and we can make time for the things that are more important. I know I will be trying to implement this!

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